På denna sidan är historien om mig och min familj.
Michael Nowik år 2024.
Polens flagga.
Jag heter Michael Lewicki (tidigare Michael Nowik) och är en polsk person som också är lite rysk och armenisk. Sverige där jag bor har bra luft utomhus. Jag är en Internet användare sen cirka 2001 minst. Jag har 3 andra webbplatser nu: www.sztokholm.org, www.szczodre.pl & www.intrnet.eu. Jag är också aktiv på X.com (tidigare twitter.com). Jag säljer saker på tradera.com som ”Sverigeshögstaledare”. Jag fick stor inspiration till att skapa min personliga blogg www.michaelnowik.com från Katolska kyrkans biskop Anders Arborelius som senare blev kardinal också. Det ledde till mycket arbete på Internet om historia samt politik främst på bloggen. Jag har ett konto (sshaddoww) på hemsidan www.gamebanana.com där jag stolt laddat upp tredimensionella kartor till datorspelet Counter-Strike 1.6. Där finns 3 kartor med högerpolitiska patriotiska polska fast även svenska budskap som är gratis från mig nu.
Här är mitt skolarbete som upplyser om den dåliga vänsterpolitiska kommunistiska politiken i världen och mestadels på dålig vänsterpolitik i Sverige. Det var faktiskt stöd för kommunistiska Östtyskland och kommunistiska Nordkorea från de högsta svenska politikerna under den andra hälften av 1900-talet. Detta trots att kommunisterna mördade polska personer i Katynmassakern samt i Gulag-lägersystemet. Jag har läst om dålig kommunistisk politik i en svensk bok fast även på Internet och sett en polsk film om Katynmassakren i centrala Stockholm med min familj.
Länk: https://www.kristenenhet.se/agenter-spioner-kommunism-samt-sverige/
Här är min politiska propaganda med kunskap om USA:s historia: https://www.kristenenhet.se/usas-uppkomst-och-borjan/ Det blev ett viktigt initiativ eftersom jag har blivit uppfostrad med en positiv syn på USA-Polen samarbete och jag fick reda från Rymaszewski familjen att kommunisterna hjärntvättade honom, en ung polack, med historia om kommunismen med otaliga massmord, den dåliga Sovjetunionens uppkomst.
En webbplats om judisk världsmakt: https://www.michaelnowik.com/jewish-world-power-exposed/
En bokrecension på polska om boken “Lwów. Dzieje Miasta.”: „Lwów. Dzieje miasta” autorów Ryszard Jan Czarnowski i Eugeniusz Wojdecki – Recenzja | Szczodre
En webbplats om vänsterpolitisk censur på Internet sedan ungefär mitten av året 2019:
Här är mina många medaljer och statistik från min tid då jag spelade det väldigt bra och väldigt svenska spelet Battlefield 2: https://www.bf2hub.com/stats/43851264
My family history
The Lewicki family’s history
In 1873 the pole Filemon Lewicki was born. He was my grandfather’s Michal Lewicki´s father and he had a forefather who became a polish nobleman and got the Rogala coat of arms in the year 1109. Filemon was an engineer-architect. There seem to be information in Ukrainian about Filemon Lewicki on Wikipedia (Category:Filemon Levytskyi – Wikimedia Commons and Левицький Філемон — Вікіпедія (wikipedia.org)). Filemon Lewicki met with Jan Matejko who painted this great Christian painting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saints_Cyril_and_Methodius…. Władysław Zając was my mothers grandfather and he was first an austrian officer in Austria-Hungary and my grandmother Maria Lewicka was born in 1916. He had a very militaristic officer style and great respect to the emperor of Austria Franz Joseph I and even saluted to his portrait. In Poland that became free again in 1918 he worked in the polish states train system. During World War II Władysław Zając did anti-nazi sabotage in Cracow. In 1915 my grandfather Michal Lewicki was born in Lwów. He was a catholic polish patriot who was against nazism and communism plus all evil people for a better world. Evil people like the nazis in Cracow during WW2, it was very risky times for him, but also people that were for example in the worlds political elite but despite this behaved immorally (for example the communists in the Polish peoples republic and the serbian political elites during the Serbian war in the 1990’s). Maria Lewicka, his wife, was a good mother in the family and was patriotic and her story from World War II was told by her and is downwritten. Michal Lewicki also criticized Islam and evil muslims and also even the polish big leader Lech Wałesa who after looking like a great anti-communist leader first later in television behaved like a primitive person and was anti-semitic when my grandfather watched him. He thought a more intellectual person should have been the leader in those times. His very personal struggle against communism was very bold and risky (against the communist party in Poland and communism in general) with criticism. He got educated at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow as a lawyer in the 1930s. He hoped to have his own lawyer business in Poland but then World War II started. The nazis fought in the city of Lwów and the building where my grandfather’s father Filemon Lewicki lived was destroyed by a bomb. This was a polish economical elite apartment and Filemon Lewicki had the first car in Lviv and was maybe the richest man in the city. A great loss (the building). My grandfather Michal Lewicki wrote a book called ”Jeden nielatwy zywot” about his life that I hope will be published in Poland with a polish book publisher because now two parts of the book are published with a russian publisher (https://ridero.eu/pl/books/jeden_nielatwy_zywot/ & https://ridero.eu/…/chrzescijanska_republika_guaranow/). All support is appreciated. Russia is an evil dictature which is something bad. It is probably smart to use the US VPN service “IPVanish” before visiting Russian websites. Norton Internet security company also has a VPN service and their VPN may be good. Russia has invaded Ukraine (2022-02-24) where the polish city Lwów is (where Filemon Lewicki and Michal Lewicki lived).
Jozef Nowik, my other grandfather, lived near Baranowicze/Dziadkowicze in eastern Poland. They had land and a house and also Arabic horses which were good horses. In 1940 there was an deportation to the communist Gulag of the Nowik family from near Baranowicze/Dziadkowicze. This area is called “Kresy” by polish people. An older Nowik relative, my grandfather Jozef Nowik’s father, was kicked out from the train somewhere in Russia. He got upset when there was a communist guard. In Siberia, there they worked by cutting down trees. It could be even -40 celsius there. They, the prisoners, slept tightly on their side, 4 persons in a bed. When one wanted to change side to lay on, all of them had to change side. One night one prisoner opened a window to get air. The next day some people carried out a dead or some dead people from the barrack because it got so cold. Nowik and probably some other prisoners felt they had to trick the communist guards to even survive there. Jozef talked with a guard and explained he was a hunter. He got a rifle from the guard and hunted around the area of the Gulag camp. Jozef Nowik went on the sea, probably the Caspian sea, by boat, to join the new army of polish general Anders (a famous World War II general). In Iran they were for a time where they got help from the British and the army started to be formed probably. Then they went to Israel where the polish soldiers built a station of the cross (Catholic faith thing). Later there was something going on around El Alamein. There was actually a battle between the British and the Nazis (or even 2 battles). Jozef Nowik went to South Africa with a boat. There probably was an African man with an old African style, which meant he had a bone through his nose and some old African style clothing. Later Jozef Nowik, my grandfather (father’s father), fought in Falaise. During the second world war one polish soldier said something like: “Forward!” and then there was an explosion because of a nazi weapon that was fired and he was completely cut in half under the abdomen and died (went into pieces). This was because there was a hit and explosion from a strong nazi weapon. Jozef Nowik got hit by a bullet or shrapnel from the side so that his nose was injured. It was not so deep wound though. When World War II ended the polish soldiers were not allowed to partake in the first victory parade in the UK. Polish general Anders was sad about this fact (if I remember my WW2 studies correctly). Jozef Nowik had great respect for general Anders. Now they are allowed (the first was during the Corona pandemic). Jozef Nowik had a soldier work role in West Germany after the war to even the year 1947. Later my father Wladyslaw Nowik was born and they moved to the village Szczodre in the areas of Poland but the communist system had these areas and they were part of an area called Polish People’s Republic. My father educated himself to become a teacher and he was a teaher in the Szczodre school. He also studied near Gdansk and was studying to become a pedagogical specialist for mentally ill children. He almost finished his doctorate there up north in communist Poland, but he did not finish it. He also was part of the PRL army and used a Kalasnikov. They tricked the leaders and were shooting with small gravel for fun, but that was forbidden. He wore a Kalashnikov so much he got a dimple on his shoulder from the strap. The kalashnikovs for parade had wood while the normal one for training did not, according to my father. They had to march and sing loudly if I remember correcly. When there were big demonstrations outside somwhere in the Gdansk area there were many anticommunist protesters outside. They were attacking a communist state administration. My father was pushed by the crowd and ended up on the train railway tracks. The protesters lit the communist state-administration on fire and later an helicopter came and saved people from the roof. Later my father worked in a polish organization in Stockholm, Sweden. He had an important position there. There was an communist agent there that was an collaborator for the communists but he was undercover. It was a scandal when it became public later. Here is more information about my father, Wladyslaw Nowiks, polish patriotic and anti-communistic struggle (in polish): http://www.sztokholm.org and here is his website that has been updated and kept online by me: www.szczodre.pl.
I, Michael Nowik, was born in Stockholm in 1991, the same year when the Sovietunion collapsed thanks to us polish people.
More information about the communist mass deportations: Soviet Mass Deportations (1940-41) – Kresy Siberia (kresy-siberia.o
Author: Michael Lewicki (a polish catholic nobleman with the Rogala coat of arms and earlier with the name Michael Nowik)
Svenska: Bilden av Rogala vapenskölden var gjord av Tadeusz Gajl och WarX enligt Wikipedia delnings-licensen: CC BY-SA 2.5
English: The image of the Rogala coat of arms was made by Tadeusz Gajl and WarX according to Wikipedia Sharing license: CC BY-SA 2.5
1:a Polska pansardivisionens symbol fick jag tack vare: Pobóg 2, Publika sfären via Wikimedia Commons.